... "Captain Fantastic and the Black and Wite Cowboy" ...
In autum of 2005 we planned and booked a trip to New Yourk for the spring of 2006. When I read on eltonjohn.com that from 11th through April 15th Elton would be selling his cloth in New Yourk I was very happy, becouse I knew I would be able to be there for the last two days and so I was hoping that there still would be something to buy. I never could make it to London when he sold his cloth there.
We arrived in Newark on April 13, but it was to late that day to drive over to New York. We had booked a nice Hotel in New Jersey and early next morning, Friday we used the path train to get to Manhattan, as the store opened at 8 am and closed at 7 pm for these days. It was situated on the Concourse Level of Rockefeller Center, New York, between 49th and 50th Streets and 5th and 6th Avenues. We first had a little bit of trouble to find it, but finally I stood in front of the shop. I was afraid I would find the shop empty, in London the shop didn't have enough things for the whole time it should stay open, but no problem here. I was nervous, would I find something, I only wanted to buy something that I could wear. Elton's trousers would definitely bee to short. But obvious Elton has the same shoes size as I and the jackets, coats and shirts fitted me acceptable. Before I entered the shop I thought I would find to much and it would be hard to decide what to buy, bu now looking through all the racks with beautiful designer cloth I didn't find anything that I liked.
Cloth with prices from $15 for a T-shirt to $5,000 for a full-length cashmere coat were there. I faunally decided to take a pair of patent leather Versace shoes. My husband took my attention to a black and white Versace fur coat. It was very heavy and the price tag didn't fit my purse. But he talked me into trying it on. Wow it looked really good on me, it was an extraordinary piece. I got a complement from the store personal and my husband encouraged me to buy it. I struggled with me for a short while and decided as the money would go to a good cause it was worth it. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the Elton's Closet event will benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation. The rest of the vacation, had to be as cheep as possible, no more extras I decided. As it was the second last day before the shop was closing they already had started to reduce prices but not on my coat. When we left the shop we noticed that meanwhile a queue had build up in front of the store entrance so we had been lucky to be so early, they only left in new people when someone was leaving. The doorman told me that I was lucky to get the coat because another lady yesterday nearly bought that cold and just had returned asking for it, but I already had bought it. We had to go back to our hotel because the coat was to heave to carry around all day.
The next day Saturday I just couldn't help my self but go back to Elton's Closet one more time. Maybe the prices had dropped again and I could make a good bargain. While we were in the shop on Friday they were every now and then bringing in new things, so why not try again. We again went early in the morning and no queue was there, and indeed they had once again reduced prices. This time it was much harder because suddenly I found several cloth I wanted to buy. It was really fun to go through the tons of shirts, suits, jackets, shoes, trousers and what else was there. First I couldn't find a thing to buy, and now I end up spending too much money, but hey when ever would I have the chance to buy Versace shoes for $30.
Some people bought tons of closes. My husband was annoyed that he had not the right size for Elton's closes otherwise he would have bought something too, you never get designer cloth that cheap.
I would love to know whether Elton ever wore that coat I bought, but as he doesn't wear coats on stage it will be hard to find a photo of him wearing that coat. If someone is able to help me on that, please let me know if you have a photo of Elton wearing that black and white fur coat.
Every Fan should have had an opportunity to buy something from Elton's Closet
black and white Versace fur coat
patent leather Versace shoes
3 other pairs of Versace shoes
green and white short jacket that has Canada written on it's back
black jacket from the Thai Mahal Casino of Atlantic City
woolen grey Versace cardigan with numerous large letters
Page built 31.10.2006